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Burnley-Moran Elementary School

About Us

Meet Your Administrative Team

Dr. Elizabeth Korab

Dr. Elizabeth Korab became principal of Burnley-Moran in July 2018. She is both a proud principal and former BME parent of three children. Dr. Korab started her education career in 2004 in the New York City Public Schools. She is a voracious reader and loves sharing her passion for children’s literature with students and staff.





Mrs. Tracy Coleman

Mrs. Tracy Coleman is a lifelong Bobcat. She came to Burnley-Moran as a student, worked many years in the after-school program, and is now the Administrative Technician.

History of Burnley-Moran

Built in 1954, Burnley-Moran is named for the first two women to head Charlottesville schools. Carrie Burnley was principal of the former McGuffey School for 28 years, and Sarepta Moran was principal of Venable Elementary for 21 years.

oneBME Community!

one BME Logo

This year we will be continuing to build and grow our oneBME community.  At Burnley-Moran, our grade-level teams host monthly School-Wide Morning Meetings. Parents, family, and community members are always welcome to attend. They typically are the last Friday of the month from 8:10-8:40 a.m. We encourage students to take ownership of their learning through a student-led Back-to-School Night and student-led conferences in the spring.

We have several partnerships that support our oneBME community, including the City Schoolyard Garden and various CCS art opportunities. Our active PTO collectively supports our Bobcats, too, through clubs, family events, and the annual Walk-A-Thon.

Showing your Bobcat Spirit

I am me you are you posterAt Burnley-Moran, we are home of the Bobcats! We have several ways we promote our Bobcat Spirit:


School Communications

Bobcats in Books!

bobcats in books

Join Ms. Tiffany each month as she chooses a new book for our Bobcats in Books feature.  

Students are welcome to visit and check out books from the library each day. In addition, there is a weekly time that students visit with their class.